I’ve been doing a run of newborn photos here recently and I have to say I don’t hate it!! Sweet Cohen and his parents were just the best!! Megan fed this little cutie right before and he just drifted off into milk coma and let us put him in a million different props and outfits. I really enjoyed meeting Cory and he was so wonderful about jumping in and helping “spot” little Cohen on the off the ground props. Cohen was seriously the most easy-going baby and such a sweet pea to photograph– I couldn’t get over his amazing hair!! Megan and Cory have had all kinds of excitement and less than ideal circumstances thrown at them surrounding their birth, first moments with Cohen, and first days at home– they have handled it all in stride and with so much grace. In getting to hear their story I was just so impressed with how they have just jumped the hurdles and continued on with the best attitude they can. I hope I too can tackle life’s hurdles with such positivity and just let it flow. Enjoy my favorites of their beautiful babe, Cohen!