Dishner | Roanoke Virginia Wedding Photographer | Bent Oaks Manor | Our Lady of Nazareth | Roanoke VA

Wedding Coordinator & Bartending | @planwiththebee⁣ | The Planning Bee
Photography | @rebeccacrosbyphotography⁣ | Rebecca Crosby Photography
Catering |⁣ | Bella Events Catering 
DJ | @ceegethedjj⁣ | Ceege Music 
Florist | @petalandpail⁣ | Petal and Pail
Hair | @therefineryroanoke⁣ | The Refinery 
Ceremony | @ourladyofnazareth⁣ | Our Lady of Nazareth
Reception | @bentoaksmanor⁣ | Bent Oaks Manor 
Cake | @MotherMoonBakehouse⁣ | Mother Moon Bakehouse

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