The VanSants | Virginia Extended Family Session Photographer | 111 South Main Bridgewater | Extended Family Session Bridgewater VA

I absolutely loved this extended family session!! The beautiful VanSant family was finally in one location for Thanksgiving and they celebrated with love, hanging out, sibling catch up, cousin bonding, and family photos! I am officially spoiled for life because while one would think having a larger family to photograph would be tricky it was actually a breeze thanks to these Aunts! Having all these incredible ladies behind me getting their niece and nephew’s attention blessed the parents with gorgeous individual family photos!! I wish I could bottle up these beautiful women and bring them with me to every session with their joy, positive energy, and zeal for life!  5 year anniversary mother with daughter family of 3 family walking shot gorgeous girl with dog girl kissing her dog woman with dog

wedding anniversary youthful couple smiling at each other

large outdoor extended family photo

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