I have known Kelsey since she was in high school and I admit I love social media in that I’ve been able to see her complete some huge goals from afar! She rocked nursing school with a lot of hard work (all the nurses out there are nodding thinking of their own harrowing school experience) and is now a pediatric nurse. I kept seeing this handsome, tall guy show up in her photos as time went on… Camden has known Kelsey for years and proven steadfast for her. Fast forward through the years, dates, and cute smiling photos and suddenly there is a ring involved!! When they got engaged, I loved seeing their friends and family leave comment after comment because of their love for this incredible couple. They each touch so many people’s lives and are so warm and genuine.
Thank you all so much for entrusting me to document your love. Y’all are the best!! I absolutely loved getting to explore The Gardens at Waterperry Farms with you both and can’t wait for your big day!