I tried to find just the right quote about family importance to put in this post. I saw lots of good ones about giving children roots and wings, the joys and hugs, how family is what you come back to always–but, I couldn’t find the exact quote I wanted to use to try and put words on what this sweet family shares. In just spending an hour bugging them for smiles and photos I got a small sense of their openness and their tightknitedness (probably a word right?!) as a family. It’s just a beautiful thing to see especially in this day and age..
Such a sweet and welcoming family! The kids were awesome showing me around and finding shaded places for us!
Beautiful ladies!
Oh these two! It was so wonderful meeting Kelly after hearing such wonderful things about him at work. They’re such a wonderful support and cheerleader for each other!
Love this!
What a good looking family Mom and Dad have!
Beautiful Tammie inside and out! So blessed to know and learn from her 🙂
Some of my favorites!
Tall made even taller!
Another year of school just around the corner
Elsje does international dog competitions and I loved getting to meet the sweet pups! Those soft ears!