McDonald Family⎜Harrisonburg VA Photographer

I tried to find just the right quote about family importance to put in this post. I saw lots of good ones about giving children roots and wings, the joys and hugs, how family is what you come back to always–but, I couldn’t find the exact quote I wanted to use to try and put words on what this sweet family shares. In just spending an hour bugging them for smiles and photos I got a small sense of their openness and their tightknitedness (probably a word right?!) as a family. It’s just a beautiful thing to see especially in this day and age..

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Such a sweet and welcoming family! The kids were awesome showing me around and finding shaded places for us!

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Beautiful ladies!

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Oh these two! It was so wonderful meeting Kelly after hearing such wonderful things about him at work. They’re such a wonderful support and cheerleader for each other!

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Love this!

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What a good looking family Mom and Dad have!

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Beautiful Tammie inside and out! So blessed to know and learn from her 🙂

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Some of my favorites!

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Tall made even taller!

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Another year of school just around the corner

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Elsje does international dog competitions and I loved getting to meet the sweet pups! Those soft ears!

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