You’ll have to forgive the photo quality!! These are some iPhone shots of the “board” I made in our kitchen.
For this project, I got a lot of the materials from Lowes. The dowel rod and coat hooks you can really pick almost anything or even paint the dowel rod. When hanging the hooks, I suggest getting as tight to the roll of paper as you can so that it doesn’t have much movement which could lead to it coming off the dowel rod and crashing down. To help prevent this, using a dowel rod larger than the paper roll length is also helpful. I used paper drop cloth which I found in the paint aisle. I love how affordable it is. I use chalk typically to decorate it and it doesn’t always work great. Sharpie does great– that being said I’m still nervous about it bleeding through (unlikely since the paper is thick). Then I’m such a sucker for any plants, especially these air plants from Air Plant Supply Co. I love them and the way they look. I’ve had a batch of about 20 plants since November and only lost 3 plants and one was to a toddler. You soak them once a week in water and otherwise they’re just out and about looking chic.
Just in case you were curious about the air plants– these are mine dying out after a soak.