Lilly Mae ⎜Virginia Newborn Photographer

I absolutely loved getting to take sweet Lilly Mae’s photos. Jennifer has been patiently getting through school, working, and waiting for her moment to be a Mommy and it is such a blessing to see her in this season of life. She and Travis welcomed their first child, Lilly, into the world and she is beyond cute! Little miss was all milk smiles and seriously calm/passed out the entire shoot. Such a dream to photograph! I got to use some new wraps and headbands and her parents brought some gorgeous things that made it so exciting! Enjoy my favorites of this sweet girl…

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Just adorable!

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She has the smoothest and flawless skin!

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I am so so obsessed with this outfit and sweet baby!

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That amazing friend Madelyn making some awesome baby props yet again!! The cutest bug ever

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Jenn brought these lilies and it was so fitting!

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How awesome is this elephant gift they received?!

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Sweet smiles

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