This was the perfect end to my photography season! I just adore this sweet family!! Chasity is such a sweetheart. So incredibly kind and always willing to lend a helping hand. She truly is a caregiver to all– especially family and friends. I loved getting to catch up with the Wilsons, everyone is growing up so stinking fast!! I seriously didn’t know what to do with myself when I realized I was photographing all adults out of nowhere! Enjoy my favorites of Jason and Chasity’s beautiful family…
Good looking crew!
Love this!
We were cracking up, Jason is a sheperd at heart– totally called that sheep over and we got to pet it.
Are they not adorable?! I love that we did these photos, everyone loves seeing pictures of their parents and I know their kids will enjoy looking back on these 50 years down the road 🙂
I loved all the different options we had for photos!! So glad they were willing to explore everywhere despite the chill!
Such a beautiful family!
The woods were just perfect
Everyone was so great!! It was seriously cold out and they were so cheerful and yeah sure we’ll sit on the grass!