Oh this sweet family!! The Wrights are just another example of me being so blessed with wonderful clients! There is nothing like trying to settle a baby in a bowl or tummy time to form the bond of friendship 😉 These cute parents welcomed Cooper into their life and are absolutely head over heels about their little man. Cooper has the best hair! I loved how it would stick out from under the hats… favorite!
Love that sleepy yawn!
So stinking cute!!
Baby smiles are the best
That surprise face? It’s because he was the first baby I’ve ever threatened about hands… he LOVES them in his face!
Cooper was determined to not be photographed in this giraffe hat his parents brought that was absolutely fabulous but we were just as determined he was going to and I’m glad we did because he’s sooooo cute!
These fall babies have had some great weather and the grass is hanging on which is fabulous!
Gorgeous mama!
Love this!!