Lampert Family ⎜ Virginia Family Photographer

I cannot believe how quickly half a year has flown by! I feel like it was the other day seeing Megan’s cute baby bump, much less doing newborn photos! I love seeing this sweet family and hearing about what little Elliana is up to. She’s getting so big and I could not get enough of her sweet smiles with those tiny teeth poking through! So stinking cute!! Enjoy my favorites of this sweet little one before her first Easter…

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I just adore this smiling cutie!!

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One good looking family!!

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She is such a happy baby!

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I loved her outfits!!

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Seriously?!! How stinking cute is she?!

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Ryan and Megan you all are such adorable parents! I love what a good team you all are together!

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We’ll end with cheeser mcgee here 🙂 Smiles for days…

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