Jenna 10 Days Old ⎜ Virginia Newborn Photographer

My job has brought me so many friends and I am so grateful for that!! It can be easy to complain and lose sight of it in the nitty gritty of job tasks and changes, but I have so many real friends at work– I truly am so blessed. Michelle is one of these real, sweet friends I am grateful our job brought us together.. I just adore her and her lifting spirt. Mark and Michelle welcomed their first child into the world and it was such an exciting moment for them even more so because they didn’t find out the gender before! Their sweet daughter has brought them so much joy already and they delight in her. Jenna was seriously too stinking cute for her newborn pictures– I could not stop squealing and gushing over her adorable self. Enjoy my favorites of this sweet girl and her cute parents…

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Little fox

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She was perplexed why I would put her in a bowl..

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Sweet little girl

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Love this one!

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Our friend Madelyn made this!! Soon cute!

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There is nothing better than a sleepy, snuggly newborn

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I’m obsessed with a baby in a bucket

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Sweet girl!!

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That photo on the right is one of my favorites!! Love!

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