Lough Family⎜Virginia Family Photographer

My sweet friend Rachel and her kids are always a shoot I look forward to each year. It has been so neat and such an honor to see the kids grow and blossom into these smart, animated big kids (also sad because they’re getting too big!!). For a little walk down memory lane, look how little they used to be! Adorable! A huge thanks to Judi and her family for having us out to the farm, it made for some beautiful photos…

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I really need Britton and Gracie to stop getting so big! They’re so cute I want to eat them up!!

Lough 2299_WEBLough 2306_WEBIt was golden hour behind the trees and made everything all warm and fabulous!Lough 2416_WEBLough 2418_WEB

My work girls are some of my closest friends and I just adore the amazing group of women I work with!

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Sweet Gracie, love the photo on the left

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These are some of my favorite!

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Britton was shy and not sure what to think about my absurd level of excitement, but oh my look at that handsome little guy– glad he warmed up to my craziness!

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