Elliana⎜Virginia Newborn Photographer

I loved getting to take sweet Elliana’s photos! I was thrilled that she decided to surprise her parents by coming early and mainly thrilled we had done the maternity photos the week prior!! Elliana was adorable and did so great. Megan and Ryan are settling into new parenthood perfectly and I loved getting to hear about their first days together. Enjoy my many favorites of this sweet family…

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Such cute parents! I could not stop gawking at how good Megan looked less than 2 weeks after baby! Gorgeous!

Also check out baby girl’s smile on the right!

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Well loved and snuggled 🙂

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Love that image on the left!

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SO adorable!!

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Sweet baby girl

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Love these!!

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She was not into having her arms swaddled. Little one is a ninja at getting them out!

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Love this idea!

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