Lampert ⎜Virginia Maternity Photographer

I loved getting to take this sweet couple’s photos. I had the opportunity to do their engagement photos and it is so incredibly special to be able to document their beautiful family as it grows… Ryan and Megan are expecting their first baby and couldn’t be more excited to find out if it’s a daughter or son!! I love that they’re choosing not to find out! So exciting 🙂 They are so happy and it was such a joy to document their beautiful pregnancy– Mama is stunning!! Enjoy my many favorites.

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Sooooo gorgeous!!!

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These are hands down some of my favorite photos ever. So pretty!

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“Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were here an hour I would die for you. This is the miracle of Mother’s Love.”

– Maureen Hawkins

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I loved that they were adventuresome and got in the river! Turned out gorgeous and the sun was so glowy!

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Such a good looking couple

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Hunter and I are always at war over letting our front field be “wild” or not. He simply cannot plant trees up there– I clearly need it for photos. So perfect.

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Sweet Mommy and Daddy

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Some of my favorites!

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Seriously Megan, you are stunningggggg

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Oh these two!

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Love it!

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