Our new girls

Since college I’ve wanted to be a farmer… I think it was something about being at Virginia Tech or dating my husband and riding around on four wheelers with him. Or maybe it was coming home to Augusta County and seeing all our farmer friends? Who knows but it stuck: I wish we could farm!! So then I got a little taste with my husbands Hop Farm… ehhhh maybe this farming thing is way harder than I thought. A ton of work for little return on investment– although I did love the tan. Anyways this leads to my next revelation– I need to be an animal farmer. Clearly this is way better. Then our friends with Nycum Company hooked us up with chickens. Hunter built the coop himself with cedar logs from our woods, leftover roofing from a friend, and some scrap wood– I am so impressed by that handsome Mountain Man.

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We copied our friend Becky’s roosting ladder. The ladder can be easily moved to clean under the most used area if you know what I mean.

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Hi girls!

Middle School 12_WEBThe chickens are Henrietta Hen, Goldie Locks, and Lucy.
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I love having an ever replenishing egg carton.

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BUT yes it turns out chickens kinda scare me. When the girls come rushing the door trying to get some yard time it freaks me out. Telling them back and no, flapping my arms has no effect on them. The absolute worst though is when they peck at the holes in my crocs– that just about gives me a heart attack! Then I’m shamed by my nephews and husband that go in and pet the girls and hold them. Don’t get me wrong, Emma and I visit the girls and get the eggs daily, take them treats, buttttttt I usually toss the treats at them to distract them so I can dash in and get the eggs. So alas maybe my next farming epiphany will be that I should be an exotic animal farmer… I’ve always wanted a zebra!!

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