Kate ⎜1 Year ⎜Virginia Family Photographer

I am so tickled I got to take this little sweetheart’s photos! Baby Kate turned one year old! She is such a delight and getting big so quick!! Curious too, baby is on the go and figuring out life quickly. Walking is old news, little girl is buzzing along checking out everything! Paul and Diane are so in love with their little one. Enjoy my favorites of their joy!

Kate  415_WEBKate  467_WEB

Look at that sweet smile!!

Kate  511_WEBKate 1 year 68_WEB

Kate 1 year 120_WEB

Oh baby Kate! Cheesing on the left, such a cutie 🙂

Kate 1 year 70_WEBKate 1 year 117_WEBHow adorable!!
Kate 1 year 122_WEBKate 1 year 154_WEBKate 1 year 186_WEBKate 1 year 306_WEB

Kate  252_WEB

How cute is this balloon Mom brought?!

Kate  264_WEBKate  307_WEBKate  319_WEBKate  340_WEB

Kate  103_WEBKate  119_WEBKate  161_WEBKate  195_WEB



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