Annie 3 Years ⎜Virginia Family Photographer

I absolutely adore meeting up with this sweet family and hearing what is changing in their lives! I have loved getting to take sweet Annie’s pictures since she was a tiny baby! I cannot believe she is 3 now!! It is shocking how fast the time went– Jared and Kelsey certainly think so more than I! Their little baby is on the go and so charming! Annie is all smiles, fun, and so animated! Enjoy my favorites of this sweet big girl!

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Little girls are the best!

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Sweet little one

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All fun!!

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This shirt was Kelseys when she was a baby! How sweet is that?!

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Annie  157_WEBAnnie  182_WEBAnnie  268_WEBAnnie  330_WEBAnnie  351_WEBAnnie  697_WEBAnnie  800_WEB

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