I absolutely loved getting to take this sweet family’s photos! Stacey is so adorable and she and Tyler have the sweetest little one ever. Mason is such a happy baby- he’s sitting up and all grins with his tiny little teeth! He loved being outside for fall photos; he also loved looking at the ducks at the park just like Daddy (I think Mommy might have another duck hunter on her hands ;)! Tyler and Stacey were a joy to spend the afternoon with and we got lucky with some beautiful sunshine… Enjoy my mannyyyyyy favorites!
I was completely obsessed with their outfits!! I think they may be my favorite ever! Stacey has great taste 🙂
Love this!
Such a beautiful family!!
I was editing these and was like darn I want family photos like this!! Sad I missed the leaves, definitely want to copy them next year!
Mason has the best eyes!!
Couldn’t you just eat him up!?
I died over the image on the right!!
Such a happy baby!
Seriously?! Mason is adorable!!!
Such a good looking family!!!
He agrees that his parents are super cute…
Proud grandparents 🙂
It always helps having extra hands and baby-smiling-helpers too!
Such a beautiful fall day!
I love that Stacey and Tyler brought this wagon that Stacey had as a child! So cute and special!