I got to meet up with this family just a little before Christmas… clearly the holidays have slowed me down- on both edits and blogging so I apologize if you’ve been checking in wondering what on earth is taking so long for the next post! Well this family is worth the wait for more pictures! The winter isn’t typically the most photogenic time because of the lack of nature colors, but we made it work! And work well if I do say so. Downtown provided a colorful, cute background. You may recognize the MaMa of this gorgeous family as the woman who delivered your babies!! I loved getting to know Frances through labor and delivery. She is not only an amazing care provider, she’s such an incredible woman! Enjoy my favorites!
They make downtown look good!!!
Isn’t their dog cute slash ginormous!!?!
Looking good!!
You are so stunning Frances!
Adore this white porch background!
Then they blew me away with their cool factor.. I sound lame even saying it ; )