I absolutely loved this senior session! It was just effortless!!! Seriously Isiah could easily be a model. Easily. He is just comfortable in his own skin and it shows! This young man is finishing up his senior year at Broadway High. He’s always busy between basketball, football, and track. I loved getting to spend the afternoon capturing these photos for Isiah and his parents (hello Chasity my love 🙂 to remember this stage of life. Enjoy my manyyyyyyyyy favorites!
These were some of the first like 10 shots! I was all sqwuaky and loud and “omgeeeeee seriously Isiah?! This is going to be amazing!!”
I should mention how awesome it was having Isiah’s family along for the shoot. His Mom, one of my amazing friends, picked burrs out of my jacket for at least 5 blocks because I decided climbing in weeds for this shot would be a good idea. Isiah is blessed to have absolutely wonderful parents. I get to work with his superwoman Mom, Chasity. Anyone who knows her will tell you what an excellent balancer she is- 3 kids to school, sports, homework, meals, working crazy shifts and always helping out others by picking up days they want off. She’s incredible. I always think Chas is amazing, but she’s a her peak when I happen to hear her on the phone with one of her kids or husband in the break room soothing a storm, coordinating a pick-up, or just saying I love you. It melts my heart!
One of my favorites from the day!!
Seriously this guy didn’t take a bad picture the entire day. He just killed it.
Downtown Harrisonburg has never looked so good!!!
This is one of my favorite shoots I’ve ever done. Hands down. Isiah could seriously be a model. I was racking my brain the whole shoot about what spring “styled” shoot I would bribe he and his gorgeous girlfriend into doing…
Just can’t even handle the awesomeness of it all.
Handsome guy!
Before we started I told Isiah at some point people downtown might be watching and just to ignore them that they were just curious/noticing a handsome young man. When we ended, I think the conclusion could probably be more like people downtown looked because this crazy girl with a camera was wigginggggggg out about the gorgeousness of each shot and smile captured. He just blew me away.
Boys and their cars =)
I was feeling pretty “cool, young, hip” during the senior session up until this point… my coolness dude went flying out the window when I used words like this car is rad. But seriously cool picture dude.
We were loosing light fast, but were able to sneak in some of this amazingness…
I partial to flannel so these were clearly my favorites…