The McCutcheon Family—Fall Harrisonburg VA Photos

You may or may not know this about me… I have an identical twin obsession. It’s true. It started with growing up watching Mary Kate & Ashley videos along with Full House. Like who grew up with those two not secretly wishing they had a twin and were separated at birth? (side note: Katie, my dearest sister, you were all I needed in a sibling, but it’s okay to say that because you secretly wished you had a twin too!). Then the “coolness” with twins evolved when I got to know twins in college. It evolved into “this is what it must be like when Mary Kate & Ashley grow up.” The twin obsession is occasionally fed by my job in labor and delivery. I go bonkers seeing two babies sharing the same crib!! Walking through the nursery checking out the cute babies then suddenly boomTwo. Sharing their bed because their just super precious like that.

I also get my twin love fed by these two cuties, Maggie and Caroline. They are the cutest identical twins ever. So identical that it seriously feels like copy/paste. I struggle trying to figure out in the single portraits if I’m doing an equal amount of photos of each girl or if I’ve got 5 pictures of one and 1 of the other. Just gets me more excited-giddy about the adorableness of twins though. Their sweet parents love them to pieces and I was lucky enough to capture this loving family…

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As if they weren’t cute enough, they have these precious fall outfits on!

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My stunning friend Becky and her adoring husband! High school sweethearts =)

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They’re just adorable!!!

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Such a sweet family!!

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This is my favorite!! Soooooooo cute!!

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The girls are just gorgeous!

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Love this! Becky and Chris coordinate crazy shift schedules to make time to get everyone tucked in, to school, sports seen, hugs given, meals made, lunches packed, and still separate time to make sure husband and wife also get invested in. They awe me.

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I was thrilled to get to take some cheerleading pictures!! I love doing some sport photos =) I’ll have a senior football player to share on the blog soon!

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They made me super sad I didn’t cheer in school! Aren’t they just adorable?!

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