Celebrity Weekend

Last weekend I was super hyped up to be meeting Nora Roberts and Jep & Jessica Robertson!!! All in one weekend!!!! EEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Some of you might be a bit confused as to all the excitement at this point so let me explain… Nora Roberts is one of my favorite authors and my friends had planned a trip to go to her book signing in the town where she had written The Boonsboro Trilogy. Then Jep and Jessica Robertson from Duck Dynasty came to the hunting show!

The Inn the books are written around. Which by the way Nora Roberts owns. Too stinking cool!

Her bookstore!

My sweet friends Kelly and Glenda

We were just a little excited!Then the next day, the hunting show to meet Jep and Jessica! I was smiling and getting all goofy oh-my-gosh-celebrity when he gave me this look =)

She’s my favorite wife on the show, so, so sweet!!

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