I am so excited to share these photos today!!! When we got pregnant I thought I would immediately want to blog it and do weekly updates about how I was feeling/craving/size of baby, but instead I hoarded it to myself. Carrying our baby was so joyful (especially the first 8 months before swelling and general hugeness becomes a debbie downer) and such a personal excitement that the weeks turned into months and then it just never made it to the blog… So better late than never, this is my official blog announcement that we are (were) pregnant with our first child!
Hunter and I were so blessed with a healthy pregnancy and baby. I went to Shenandoah Women’s Healthcare and saw the Midwives and couldn’t have had a better experience. Everyone is just wonderful there. Hunter and I chose to do centering which is group-style appoinments with about 10 other pregnant couples– it was a little strange in the beginning because we would all just look at each other and listen to Tammie without talking, but by the end it was wonderful- everyone was talking and comfortable, we’d all be having our side conversations and finally asking the real questions instead of just hoping our midwife would bring up the embarrassing things. I can now say I miss getting to see all the girls and our awesome midwife Tammie- who would’ve guessed OB appointments would be that fun!? At the end of my pregnancy I ended up having low amniotic fluid and being followed by the doctors as well, they were just as wonderful and respectful. We chose not to find out the gender of our baby and for 9 months guessed and imagined what life would be like when we found out if it would be full of blue or pink.
When the baby arrived Mel held her up and Hunter announced “I think it’s a girl!!!” and our lives were wonderfully changed forever. Emma Hazel Crosby came into the world on October 15, 2014 weighing 7 lbs 13.6 oz and 19 inches long at 2:11 am. I ended up being induced for the low fluid and was so blessed with a dream induction/delivery. Eight hours of labor and managed without an epidural (although honestly it doesn’t matter how people get their babies here, it’s no breeze). I honestly couldn’t have done it without my amazing midwife Melody, nurse Rachel, and encouraging husband. Everyone has asked me on photoshoots if it’s weird to deliver where I work and all my friends are and I always answered no it wouldn’t be weird and it indeed wasn’t, it was so nice to be surrounded by my friends taking care of me and my daughter! Next week I’ll be sharing my daughter’s newborn photos, so check back in for our little cutie!
For now enjoy scrolling down and seeing “the bump” progress! These pictures are extra special to me because it was always Hunter behind the lens.